• Официальная страница G-TIME CORPORATION   • Эксклюзивная шунгитовая продукция   • Доставка продукции по всему миру   • Высокодоходный бизнес   • Поздравляем наших партнеров с выходом на вознаграждения   • Premium: Саят2008, Ракета7, Фати, Эмера63, Жазира, Бахыт0101, Дико2, Нургуль ханым, КосмосК   • VIP: Босикан, Жамила52К, Аяулым, Торе22, Смелая77, Бриллиант, BMW22, 777Тулпар, Айгуля2020, bmw1   • Основной: Акока, vipchayka3, Карлыгаш1975, 2СанСэй, vipolzem3, Биржан1972, Жазира апай, vipmai1, Гуля, oof1 и желаем Вам дальнейших успехов!


09. 2021 г

Dear Partners, according to new Tax Code of RK, in order to get rewards in the amount of 800 000 and 3 000 000 tenge, Partners should provide an invoice for the realisation of goods! Attention, invoice is needed only for RK citizens! Invoice should be filled out in a hard copy. Copies filled out ...


Publik offer

21.05.2012 г.

Limited Liability Partnership "G-TIME Corporation" (hereinafter referred to as "Party-1" -Company), established in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Certificate of state registration from "19" May 2012 No. 502-1910-06- LLP, represented by the general director Шаяхметов Д.Ж., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and an individual* ______________________  year of birth (hereinafter referred to as “Party-2” – Partner), identity card (passport) No.____________________________________, issued ________________year, by __________________________________________________, for individual entrepreneurs a certificate of state registration No. _______________ from_________________year, issued by_________________________________________, IIN___________________________, address of residence _______________________________________________________________, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", have concluded this agreement on the following.

Terms and Definitions

The contract is the present contract;

The company is LLP "G-TIME Corporation";

Partner-for the purposes of this Agreement, the Partner means an individual who has concluded this Agreement with the Company in order to increase the Company's turnover;

Sponsor is a person who provides information support about the rules of work for the Company's program plan;

Individuals are citizens of Kazakhstan, foreign citizens, stateless persons, as well as individual entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity;

Back-office- a business place that a natural person receives after purchasing the product and registering as a Partner for further work under the terms of the Company's chosen program;

Registration - Self-registration of an individual as a Partner with the choice of a login and program at their discretion;

Login - the name (identifier) of the user account in the computer system, as well as the procedure for entering the user's identification in the computer system, usually by specifying the account name and password. The login is expressed in the form of a sequence of numerical and alphabetic characters, allowing you to track the progress of the Partner in the program, and to track the data on all purchases by the Partner of the Company, all types and amounts of the Partner's fees, including one-time bonuses, data on all Partner qualifications for all programs in which The partner participates;

PIN-codeis a personal one-time unique identification number, a secret key for registration on the Company's official website and signing of the Agreement (ie the Partner's consent to the terms of the Agreement);

Products - Products sold by the Company;

The operational and accounting system is a set of software designed to work according to the plan of the Company's programs and to organize user interaction.

1.Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The subject of this Offer Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is the provision by the Partner of services to implement the plan, increase by the Partner of the Company's turnover in accordance with the program plan of LLP G-TIME Corporation.

When the Partner fulfills the full turnover plan in full, the Company undertakes to pay the Partner remuneration in the manner and on the terms stipulated in the program plan.

1.2. The place of rendering the Partner's services is the place of his state registration as a taxpayer, in the absence of registration as a taxpayer, the place of provision of services is the country of the Partner, whose resident he is.

2. Grounds for obtaining Partner status

2.1.   The grounds for obtaining the status of a Partner with registration on the site www.gtime.kz, are:

a) the expression of the potential partner's agreement with the terms of the Agreement by clicking on the "I ACCEPT" position in the Agreement;

b) acquisition by the Partner of a business place by purchasing a unit of products in accordance with the chosen version of the Company's program.

2.2.   The Agreement is deemed to be signed and comes into force from the moment the Partner expresses consent with the terms of the Agreement.

2.3.   The partner increases the turnover in any way that does not contradict the principles and norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2.4.   The partner-owner of the personal site bears full responsibility for violation of the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which regulates legal relations in the field of copyright and related rights.

3. Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1. The Partner is obliged:

3.1.1. Purposefully increase the Company's turnover;

3.1.2. strictly observe the Company's moral and ethical code;

3.1.3. Do not use the Company logo on personal websites (except personal sites of the Company's information centers) in the records of copyright videos and other materials, without the written consent of the Company;

3.1.4. Do not use the chat company for other purposes, do not display in it private advertising products, information about other companies, do not conduct personal correspondence in the company chat;

3.1.5. Not provide advertising, marketing and consulting services;

3.1.6. provide the Company with reliable and complete information: telephone numbers, postal and e-mail addresses, identity data, the place of registration and residence and other information;

3.1.7. do not allow written or oral statements or statements that discredit the image and business reputation of the Company, including in the mass media, on the general chat rooms of the Company, at the Company's events, etc .;

3.1.8. keep confidential information about the clients, counteragents and trade transactions of the Company that became known to him in connection with the implementation of the Treaty;

3.1.9. regularly monitor on the site www.gtime.kz possible changes and additions introduced by the Company in the Contract in accordance with paragraph 3.3.1. 3.3. Contract.

3.1.10. Provide reliable information about yourself when registering on the site www.gtime.kz and filling out applications for withdrawal of funds. The partner specifies the deposit, personal or card account, or opens one of the accounts in the banks of the RK for remuneration transfer. For incorrect details specified by the Partner, the Company is not liable. The Partner bears all costs associated with the incorrect requisites provided to them for remuneration transfer.

3.1.11.Partner is obliged to receive products from the Company within 30 calendar days. Remuneration is not paid to partners who have not received the products from the Company's warehouse.

3.2. The Company undertakes:

3.2.1. Provide the Partner with a choice of a unique login, to which the account in the Company's program system will be tied;

3.2.2. from the moment of the conclusion of the Contract, to provide the Partner with round-the-clock access to the operating system, the partner's back-office;

3.2.3. provide Partner with products;

3.2.4.to ensure the timely transfer of remuneration provided for by the Agreement to the deposit, personal or card account specified by the Partner;

3.2.5. Conduct research, analysis, planning and forecasting in the sphere of goods circulation at their own expense in order to determine measures to create economic conditions for the circulation of goods, including the characteristics of goods, the development of a price strategy and advertising strategy;

3.2.6. distribute and post information at its own expense intended for an indefinite circle of persons to maintain interest in the Company, products, trademarks by any means and in any form;

3.2.7. ensure confidentiality of data, as well as information about transactions in the back office of the Partner;

3.2.8. ensure timely accrual and payment of remuneration to the Partner as far as the fulfillment of the goods turnover in accordance with the program plan;

3.2.9. on a reasonable, written request of the Partner to take measures to change the sponsor or team in accordance with the procedure established by the Company's internal documents;

3.2.10. to ensure the restoration and launch of existing in the Company programs and systems of technical support of the business, in the event of any malfunctions and malfunctions;

3.2.11. ensure the restoration of the business site, cash accounts and information in the back office of the Partner, damaged or lost as a result of failures, malfunctions.

3.3. The Company has the right:

3.3.1. Conduct quarterly, medium-term (up to one month) promoted with the encouragement of the winners of travel packages;

3.3.2. unilaterally amend and supplement the terms of the Agreement.

At the same time, the proper notification of the Partner, on making changes and additions to the Agreement, is the posting of such information on the website "www.gtime.kz";

3.3.3 limit or completely deny access to the Partner's back office for any breach of the terms of the Agreement until they are completely eliminated;

 4. Payment procedure

4.1. As the Partner fulfills the turnover plan in accordance with the programs, the Company pays him a fee. Payment of remuneration is made subject to withholding of taxes provided for by the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The remuneration can be paid in cash (through the cash desk of the Company) or in a non-cash form by transferring the amount of the fee to the Partner's bank account and in kind;
4.2. Payment for the Company's products purchased by the Partner can be transferred from the Partner's bank account to the Company's bank account indicated on the website www.gtime.kz, or by entering the value of the product in cash in cash to the Company's cash desk.
4.3.Payment of the Partner's remuneration according to the plan to the Company's programs is made by the payment of cash funds (the Company transfers money to a settlement account or a bank card specified by the Partner) within 15 banking days from the moment of signing the act of performed work. The withdrawal of funds to the plastic cards or bank accounts of the Partner is made after mutual agreement of such an opportunity with the Company's Support and submission of a written application for withdrawal.
4.4. The actual shipment of products in accordance with the program plan is recognized by the partners that are physical persons of turnover.
4.5. The fulfillment of the program plan under this Agreement is reflected by the parties in the signed Act of the executed works, an electronic certificate of the executed works is also provided, when the clause "I sign" is pressed, the act is considered signed.
4.6. The Company has the right to refuse to sign the Act of Completed Works proposed by the Partner only in case of failure by the latter to fully fulfill its obligations specified in Clause 3 of this Agreement.

5. Responsibility of parties

5.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by one of the Parties of obligations under the Contract, the other Party has the right to apply sanctions to the guilty Party provided for by the Treaty;

5.2. The Partner is responsible for the content of any unreliable and defamatory information posted on social networks, in advertising and other types of advertisements, on the Internet about www.gtime.kz, about the Company's activities or its products.

5.3. The Company is not liable for the obligations of the Partner to third parties, even if these obligations are related to the performance by the Partner of the Contract;

5.4. For inaccurate or defamatory information, discrediting the image and business reputation and work in parallel in the financial pyramids (haypahs, investment projects), violation of the terms of this Agreement and the contract for the provision of services under the auto program, Partners can be sanctioned in the form of: a fine of 500 000 ( five hundred thousand) tenge to 1 million (one million) tenge, recovery of the cost of the car. Upon repeated admission by the Partner of the above violations: 1. The contract is terminated 2. The cardholder is subject to termination (i.e., is deprived of the business place) 3. The right to remuneration stipulated by this Agreement for the performance of the Company's programs is lost.

 6. Duration of the contract

6.1. The agreement comes into force from the date of the Partner's express consent to the terms of the Agreement by introducing the word "I ACCEPT" in the box at the end of the Agreement and is valid for 12 (twelve) months.

6.2. If neither of the parties has expressed a desire to terminate the Agreement 10 calendar days before the expiry of the Agreement, the term of the Agreement is deemed prolonged for the next 12 months. In the absence of registration of partners during the first year, the business site is subject to removal.

6.3. The present contract may be terminated by the Company:

6.3.1. if the Partner violates the terms of the agreement on the use of the back-office operating-accounting system, as well as other internal and state acts regulating the Company's activities;

6.3.2. In the event that the Partner incurs material and moral damage to the Company, or the Partner commits an action inconsistent with the conscientious business cooperation between the Partner and the Company, as well as in cases of the Partner's failure to comply with the Company's moral and ethical code.

7. Force Majeure

7.1. In the event of emergency circumstances that render impossible the full or partial performance by one of the parties of the obligations under the Treaty, namely: fire, natural disasters, military operations of any kind, blockade, export prohibitions, imports or other circumstances beyond the control of the parties, the term of performance of the Treaty is shifted proportionally time during which such circumstances will operate.

The party for which such obligations arose is obliged to notify the other party within 7 (seven) days after the occurrence of extraordinary circumstances that impede the implementation of the Treaty.

7.2. A proper proof of the occurrence specified in clause 7.1. section 7 of the Emergency Treaty, are official statements or documents of the authorized bodies and institutions of the country.

8. Procedure and conditions for suspension and termination of the Agreement

8.1. The contract can be terminated by Party-1-Company unilaterally.

8.2. In cases where one party has claims or material claims to the other party, the interested party is obliged to send a registered letter to the other party.

8.3. In cases provided for by internal documents of the Company, the Agreement may be suspended on the initiative of the Company. Notice of suspension of the Agreement is sent to the Partner's e-mail address registered on the Company's website. At the same time, the Partner is recognized as duly notified.

9. Settlement of disputes:

9.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise when the parties fulfill the conditions of the Treaty will, if possible, be resolved by the parties through negotiations.

9.2. In case of impossibility of settlement of disputes and disagreements through negotiations, disputes are subject to consideration in courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 10. Special conditions

10.1. The Company does not guarantee the Partner the receipt of the same significant amount of remuneration that VIP leaders receive, successful Sponsors and Partners who have achieved impressive results in this business due to their personal qualities and dedication.

All risks for non-receipt of income and profits Partner takes over.

10.2. Any statements and examples given at presentations, training sessions, training schools and on the site www.gtime.kz (posted or that can be posted) regarding receipt and increase of remuneration are of a presumptive nature and therefore do not guarantee the Partner exactly the same remuneration.

10.3. By signing the Agreement, the Partner agrees that he assumes all risks and is responsible for mistakenly made decisions on the receipt and increase of the remuneration, methods and methods of conducting this business and the scope of application of the Company's products;

10.4. The Company does not guarantee the receipt of profit by the Partner, determined on the basis of his own understanding of the way of making profit and the scope of application of the Company's products.

10.5. The Company is not liable for termination of the Partner's business activity and possible material losses arising in connection with this.

10.6. The Company is not responsible for the content of the Partner's Internet resource, as well as for violation by the Partner of the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

10.7. The Company is not liable for the obligations of the Partner to third parties, even if these obligations arose from the Partner in connection with the performance by the Partner of the Agreement.

10.8. If the Partner who stands at the peak of the "Cumulative +", "Primary", "VIP" rewards and does not increase the turnover of the Company's program plan within one month, the reward is charged to that Partner who is in the same ladder with him and increases turnover according to the plan of programs. If the Partner who stands at the peak of the Start Start reward and does not increase the Company's turnover within two weeks, the reward is awarded to the Partner who is in the same ladder with him and increases the turnover of the program. If the Partner who stands at the peak of the "Fast" remuneration and does not increase the turnover of the program of the Company within ten days, the reward is awarded to the Partner who is in the same staircase with him and increases the turnover according to the program plan.

In strict order it is forbidden to sell a business place in the stairs.

10.9. It is prohibited for Sponsors of the company and persons who have received the status of a Partner of the company to accept cash funds from persons wishing to accept the status of a Partner of the company and who wish to receive the goods.

Cash to the sponsors of the company and to persons who have received the status of a Partner of the company, for the transparency of the company's work, to accept only by depositing money into the cash department of the company or by transferring funds to the company's deposit, card or personal account.

Sponsors of the company and persons who have received the status of a Partner of the Company, in order to prevent conflict situations, it is necessary to explain to new arrivals about the inadmissibility of obtaining a loan from banks for accepting the status of a Partner of the company and for receiving the company's products, and also they need to thoroughly and thoroughly familiarize new arrivals with the text of this Contract-offer placed on the site www.gtime.kz.

Persons who have received the status of a Partner of the Company, to teach new arrivals to independently conclude a contract with the company for a public offer, register on the site www.gtime.kz, choose a unique free login and further work in the operating and accounting system.

10.10. To the partners of G-TIME CORPORATION LLP not to use certificates, certificates, diplomas of G-TIME CORPORATION LLP when working in another company, in case of violation of this item, G-TIME CORPORATION LLP withdraws from the Partner certificates, diplomas of the company and terminates it.

11.Final provosions

11.1. The Partner has no right to transfer partially or completely its rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties, without the written consent of the Company.

11.2. All amendments and additions to this contract are its integral part.

11.3. The parties are obliged to inform each other within three days about any changes in the legal address, legal status and bank details, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail.

11.4. A Party that has not notified the other Party of the changes specified in subparagraphs 11.3. Of the Agreement shall not be entitled to invoke the non-receipt of correspondence sent by the other Party in a timely manner and bears responsibility for the legal consequences that have arisen in this connection.

11.5. Registration as a Partner of the Company means acceptance of the terms of this contract, which is a public offer.

11.6. In all other respects, which is not stipulated by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The moral and ethical code of the Partner of the Company «G-TIME CORPORATION»                              

1.  Respect the company “G-TIME CORPORATION” and clearly understand its goals, objectives and directions. Know marketing perfectly and avoid distortion of the facts.

2. By adopting the company's goals, move in the same direction with it in addressing common challenges.

3.  Be respectful to all partners of the company and its team.

4. Invite in business only adequate people who set themselves the same goals as you. Be responsible for those whom you invite.

5. Honor and respect the person who gave you the information and invited you to this project. Always remember that you will be an information guide to someone else too.

6. In all situations of conflict comply with ethics, integrity, diplomacy and settle disputes in a peaceful atmosphere.

7. Remember that your mentor is not obliged to sponsor you financially, since it is only your information instructor. This applies to you with respect to the people of your team.

8. For the conflict-free conducting of your own business invite to the team only people to you, do not try to intercept partners from other leaders.

9.  Sponsor is responsible for personally invited partners.

10. In the chats, the conference room of our project do not give a destructive and negative information and do not send a mailing of other projects. This will discredit you as a leader and destroy relationships in your team. You will duplicated by your partners.

11.  Help your people to form a positive attitude towards the project and not only in words but also by your own example and action showing the accessibility and the ability to achieve the ultimate goal