• Официальная страница G-TIME CORPORATION   • Эксклюзивная шунгитовая продукция   • Доставка продукции по всему миру   • Высокодоходный бизнес   • Поздравляем наших партнеров с выходом на вознаграждения   • Premium: Саят2008, Ракета7, Фати, Эмера63, Жазира, Бахыт0101, Дико2, Нургуль ханым, КосмосК   • VIP: Босикан, Жамила52К, Аяулым, Торе22, Смелая77, Бриллиант, BMW22, 777Тулпар, Айгуля2020, bmw1   • Основной: Акока, vipchayka3, Карлыгаш1975, 2СанСэй, vipolzem3, Биржан1972, Жазира апай, vipmai1, Гуля, oof1 и желаем Вам дальнейших успехов!


09. 2021 г

Dear Partners, according to new Tax Code of RK, in order to get rewards in the amount of 800 000 and 3 000 000 tenge, Partners should provide an invoice for the realisation of goods! Attention, invoice is needed only for RK citizens! Invoice should be filled out in a hard copy. Copies filled out ...



The partners receiving changeover PINs must register PIN codes during the working day. Otherwise the PINS will be voided (blocked). 

Reacquiring pin code will be carried out on a charge. 

Check-in of the PIN code should be within two days after their issuance. Overdue pin code will be voided. 


Order of 05.02.2015, Almaty.

Due to operational needs, as well as to avoid conflict situations, rapid and efficient implementation of the goods and services and the work transparency of the "G-Time Corporation" Company.

1. To prohibit the sponsors and persons who have received the status of the company executive, taking cash from individuals who wish to accept the status of executive and want to get the goods and services of the Company.

2. For the transparency of the company the sponsors and persons who have received the status of the executive of the company, can accept the cash only by paying to the cashier of the company or by transferring money to the deposit, card or personal account of the company. 

3. In order to prevent conflicts sponsors and persons who have received the status of the executive of the company, should explain newly arrived persons about the inadmissibility of obtaining a bank loan for getting the status of the executive of the company and to obtain goods and services, as well as they need to introduce in details new arrivals the text of agreement of paid services hosted on the site www.gtime.kz 

4. Sponsors and persons who have received the status of executive, should teach new arrivals to conclude independently a contract with the company on the paid services, to log on to the site www.gtime.kz, to choose a free unique username and to the future work in the operational and accounting system (back-office). 

5. To introduce with this order all the sponsors and those who have received the status of executive of the company. 

6. I am responsible for control over the order execution. 

Director: Zhumagulova Zhanat.


Order of 10.02.2015, Almaty.

For the effective and legitimate e-business of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

I order:

1. The partners who have received the car from the G-Time Corporation company shall, within two years, to help and to develop marketing activities and enhance trade and should not impart information and work in another network company. 

2. All the leaders of the company to comply strictly with the marketing plan referred to in the agreement "On the paid services ," concluded with the contractor. 

3. In case of misconduct, violation of the rules of marketing plan to make penalties to 1 000 000 (one million) tenge or termination of violator’s back-office in "G-Time Corporation" Company. 

4. I am responsible for control over the order execution. 

Director: Zhumagulova Zhanat.


Order of 16.02.2015, Almaty.

In case of detecting the fact of pulling partners into the other teams.

I order: 

1. To return the team back offices in the same amount.
2. In case of violation to terminate the back- offices. 
3. I am responsible for control over the order execution. 

Director: Zhumagulova Zhanat.

Order of 17.02.2015, Almaty.

With a view to an objective assessment of e-business performer

I order:

1. The performer who is at the peak of remuneration under the programs " accumulation+ " , "basic" , "VIP " and sells the company's products , the award is given to the executive , which makes trade under the program. 
2. Strictly prohibited to sell back-offices in the stairs of rewards. 
3. I am responsible for control over the order execution. 

Director: Zhumagulova Zhanat.


Order of 17.02.2015, Almaty.

In order to legitimate e-business 

I order: 

1. If a team of performers did not sell the company's products in three months, then a performer who has restored the whole structure, has the right to be considered a sponsor of the team and it is not considered as oversubscribed. 
2. I am responsible for control over the order execution. 

Director: Zhumagulova Zhanat.


Order of 17.02.2015, Almaty.

For the effective and legitimate e-business of G-Time Corporation 

I order: 

1. At the request of the higher sponsor, Deputy Director of the technical part, leading IT specialist, IT specialist of G-Time Corporation Company in consultation with the director of the company has the right without any notice, to change the business place and logins of the partners, who do not implement the company's products for one month without good reason. 
2. I am responsible for control over the order execution. 

Director: Zhumagulova Zhanat.


Order of 18.02.2015, Almaty.

On Amendment and Additions to the Order № 4 from 17.02.2015, G-Time Corporation Ltd.

I order: 

1. To change and add the paragraph 1 of the Order № 7 from 17.02.2015 and to
read the following order as: If the partner who stands at the peak of remunerations of the «Roll-up+», «Main», «VIP» programs, and don’t sell the company's products for one month, then the fee will be given to the executive, who is in the same ladder and makes the trade by the program without making any notice to the performer.
If a performer stands at the peak of the " start " program and doesn’t implement the company's products during two weeks, then the reward is issued to the performer, who is in the same ladder with him/her and makes trade by the program without any notice.Strictly prohibited to sell back-offices in the stairs of rewards.
2. I am responsible for control over the order execution.

Director: Zhumagulova Zhanat.


Order of 01.08.2015, Almaty.

On Amendment and Additions to the Auto-Agreement of G-Time Corporation (Executive) and Partner (Contractor).

I order: 

To complete the text of Auto-Agreement between G-Time Corporation (Executive) and partner (contractor ) with paragraphs 2,3,4,5 and hereinafter to read this Auto-Agreement as following:
1. The customer is obligated to attach the logo on the car of model ____________________ given to the Contractor. In the event of certain circumstances (if logo is damaged during car accidents or other force majeure), the Contractor is obligated to reestablish the logo of G-Time Corporation on their own money. Watch out for the safety of the logo for two years. 
2. The owners of award-winning vehicles (cars) must assist three people in the LLP structure of trade at the customer's internal regulations for two years and do not work in parallel with other pyramid schemes.
3. Within two years the Company has the right to control the vehicle (car) at any convenient time.
4. The Contractor is obliged not to sell the vehicle of G-Time Corporation.
5. In case of violation of the Auto-Agreement the Executive has the right to return a car of G-Time Corporation or charge a vehicle costs.
Agreement is made in 2 copies in Russian, one copy for each party.
I am responsible for control over the order execution.

Director: Zhumagulova Zhanat.


Order of 12.10.2015, Almaty.

Amending to the pricing policy of «G-Time Corporation» marketing plan

I order:

In order to make effective to edit the pricing policy of the marketing plan of G-Time Corporation company. While purchasing products for 5,000 tenge in Start program, the partner who finished the system receives 25,000 tenge.
At the end of the Roll up + the partner can receive a reward of 80,000 tenge, and the goods in amount of 60,000 tenge; or to receive a reward of 40,000 tenge and PIN code to the main program worth 100,000 tenge.
In the main program while purchasing products for 100,000 tenge, after finishing the starting ladder, the partner earns 100,000 tenge, the company's products and PIN code to the VIP program. Finishing the last ladder partner earns 800,000 tenge.
In the VIP program when purchasing products for 300,000 tenge, passing the start ladder partner receives 200,000 tenge, while passing the full cycle partner gets 3,000,000 tenge.

1. to the accounting department: to make an inventory of goods a of 12.10.2015.
2. to the programmers: to make changes into the marketing plan in the company's website.
3. I am responsible for control over the order execution.

Director: Zhumagulova Zhanat.